Structure of Goodness in Existence
Enhancing Goodness
The awareness that enables every person's to inhibit egotism and evil. is a framework that uses all the . It is based in enjoyment and self-reliance, centres on caring about others—and perhaps even makes things a little better for all.
provide theUsing yourgoodness in everyday life. The Tree has an internal duality as follows:
in this way seems to be about enhancing■ 3 Centres that deal with .
■ contain the lower 4 Centres that deal with .
The two poles have a pattern that repeats as follows:
■ The lowest Level in each half is a process that makes it possible.
■ The second Level in each half is the conception for realization.
■ The third Level in each half is an enabler for the conception.
■ The central Level (L"4B) is the social form of .
Overcoming Social Pressures
There are many Tree frameworks relevant to social life and organized activities. The requisite dynamic duality is typically some version of the individual/personal v the group (or organization, society, community, collective &c.).
Examples: Achieving in Organizations, Handling Employment, Cooperating for Results, Determining Political Choices.
In these frameworks, the individual perspective is normally dominant at the single lower Level (L3), while the group perspective is dominant at the two higher Levels (L5 & L6).

So a single person can make a considerable difference to the more concrete and definite choices in everyday social life, while the group asserts control over the overarching system that determines identity, culture, structure or grand strategy. These are severe constraints on individuals: sometimes crushing freedom and justice, and applying coercive measures to prevent new values from taking root. Even when constraints are less grotesque, they may still be harmful and unnecessary.
Note that social milieu rather than necessarily in relation to a single given group or specific activity. That milieu, rather than your self, necessarily demands your awareness at the lower more concrete Levels. This allows unsatisfactory situations to come to the forefront of your attention so as to be handled or avoided. However, in regard to the higher existential Levels dealing with , your personal perspective can and must be dominant.
shows the reverse situation. You experience life as occurring in a vaguely definedHarmful Channels Not Mentioned
Investigate for yourself, and you will see that a variety of direct Channels are potentially harmful and cannot produce good Precepts. When people behave as if they use such combinations, terrible inhumane situations result that violate other and Precepts. See the Examples below.
to and , the way is open for the development of ideologies which tap into the minds of children and avoid the test of practicality. These ideologies have the power to cause great harm to their own members as well as to their social environment.
connects directly to , the door is opened to grand schemes that . In addition, those involved do not of the harm being caused. There may even be censorship &/or falsification of the truth. The lack of awareness of costs and blindness to key issues usually means the scheme is crippled and doomed to failure
connects directly to , without or , the door is wide open for abuse.
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Originally posted: 15-Feb-2013